Vendor: Mighty Leaf
Price: $9.95 / 4 oz
Vendor Description: Our Organic Earl Green tea, an organic Darjeeling green tea blended with bergamot, is a unique twist on the classic Earl Grey black tea. One of our employee favorites, Organic Earl Green makes a great breakfast tea or can be enjoyed all day long. This loose tea is ideal for friends who are new to green tea. Also refreshing on ice.
Leaf: Considering this is a green tea, you could have fooled me. The leaf is dark, with shades of browns and black. I would have guessed it to be a mix between a Darjeeling and orthodox black. There is a little bit of silvery leaf mixed in as well. There is a very strong citrus aroma (which I believe is the bergamont aroma, but never having smelled true bergamont it's hard to say for sure) The aroma reminds me somewhat of lemon pledge.
1st Infusion Parameters: 5g, 5 oz, 185F, 45s
Rating: 5/10
Conclusion: I've never really understood the fascination with Bergamont flavored teas. Earl Grey is probably one of the most singularly famous teas. Right down to the Star Trek references for the stuff. This tea has a strong flavor to it, so if you enjoy bergamont you will probably enjoy this tea. It feels more like a black tea than a green, but it must be brewed as a green. It is lighter than an earl grey so that part is a bit more enjoyable.
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